Next-Gene Sequencing


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Sample Submission Guide
For more detailed explanations and recommendations about the preparation and submission of samples, please refer to the following link:
Download 'Next Generation Sequencing Sample Submission Guide'
Next Generation Sequencing Sample Requirements
DNA / RNA Quality
a) DNA
All DNA sample(s) requirement...
-double-strand, non degraded, and containing no particulate matter
-purified by column or gel purification protocols
-A260/280 ratio of 1.7 or above
b) RNA
All RNA sample(s) requirement...
-2100 Bioanalyzer RNA integrity Number (RIN) > 7
-28S rRNA : 18S rRNA = 2:1 ratio
DNA / RNA / required Quantity
a) 454 GS FLX (in EB Buffer)
HMW(>1.5kb) LMW(70~500bp) Mate pair (3~20Kb)
0.5~1.0µg 0.2µg 5~30µg

* For detailed sample requirements including Concentration, Purity, and Volume, refer to downloadable sample submission guideline.
   In case of cDNA synthesis, tissue(>10g) or total RNA (>1µg) would be required.
b) Illumina HiSeq2000/2500 & MiSeq (in EB buffer)
Sample Type Total Quantity
gDNA (for rapid shotgun library) 1.2µg (recommended)
gDNA (for Exome library) 1.0~1.2µg (TruSeq / SureSelect kit)
0.05µg (Nextra Rapid Exome Kit)
Total RNA (for cDNA / Strand-specific / small RNA library) >1.0µg (cDNA) / >4.0µg (Strand-specific) / 3.0µg (Small RNA)
mRNA (for cDNA / Strand-specific/small RNA library) >100ng (cDNA) / >100ng (Strand-specific)
small RNA entire fraction of small RNA purified from 1~10µg of total RNA

* For detailed sample requirements including Concentration, Purity, and Volume, refer to downloadable sample submission guideline.
   In case of ChIP Seq library, we use DNA 1000/7500 chip for normal PCR product, high sensitivity chip for very small amount of DNA fragment such as > 10ng of ChIPed DNA.